Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I was ambling along the beach. The sun bathed the earth with its warm, rosy glow and the tress and grass along the path swayed in the wind. In a distance, I could see a dog. It had long, golden fur that stood out among the other objects. It was beautiful, escecially the way its fur moved gracefully in the wind. Suddenly, my eyes started to redden, brimming with tears.

I remembered my very first dog. It was a golden retriever and my father named it Jay. Jay would always bark and prance about in excitement whenever my father told him that we were bringing him out for a walk. Then, Jay would frolic along with my father and I to the Singapore River, which was a two-minute walk from our house. There would always be a spring in his steps whenever we brought him out for walks. Jay just loved exercising!

Jay would always sit down in front of the television with us when it was dinner time, and that was the funny thing because I personally do not think dogs understood what the show was about, not even mentioning what a television was. My family and I would then break out into spontaneous, uncontrollable laughter. Jay was so cute!

One weekend, when my father and I were in Malaysia visiting some relatives, my mother called. She choked in a dry, coarse voice, " Jay died. He has been having a type of heart disease all this while without us even knowing it. " My heart almost came to an abrupt stop upon the news. Misery was written all over my face. Jay was closest to me. He grew up with me and now he was gone. I fell onto my knees and dissolved into tears. " Jay is gone, " I said in a woeful voice. It was a sombre and a solemn occasion.

So whenever I come across any dog, I would always remember Jay. Although I can always request for another dog, the memories of Jay would still be etched deeply in my mind.

" Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."


Jeline is my name ;
26021997 is my bithdate;
New ipod touch;
New camera;
I'm not tht greedy eh !;
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January 2010 February 2010

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
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